Pomfret Community School
Pomfret Community School, 20 Pomfret St Pomfret Center, CT 06259 USA

20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, CT 06259 P: (860) 928-2718 F:(860) 928-3839

Bus, Morning Drop Off, and Pick Up Information

Bus Information

  • PCS Bus Schedule
  • High School Bus Routes for Pomfret Residents
  • We only transport students who live in Pomfret and attend PCS or a designated high school.
  • Students may only ride the bus that they are assigned to.  If a student is getting off the bus at a different stop such as a friend's home who rides the same bus, we require notes from both families. 
  • We require an adult to greet all children in grades four and under. If there is a change in who will be greeting your child from the bus, please send in a note with your child so that we may inform the bus driver.
  • See Pomfret BOE Policy 3541 for more information.

Roads Unsafe for Bus Travel in Pomfret, CT

At its regularly scheduled meeting of April 27, 2016 the Pomfret Community School Board of Education requested that the First Selectmen, as the Safety Officer for the Town of Pomfret, declare the roads listed below as unsafe for travel by school buses. At its regularly scheduled meeting of May 16, 2017 the Pomfret Board of Selectmen unanimously approved this request and declared the following roads as unsafe for travel by school buses in Pomfret, CT.

  • Bradley Road off Route 169
  • Clapp Road
  • Carter Road between Route 97 and Brooklyn Road
  • Cooney Road between Kearney Road and Searles Road
  • Cotton Bridge Road off River Road
  • Duffy Road off Hampton Road
  • Grosvenor Road between Wrights Crossing Road & Route 169
  • Holmes Road between Modock Road & Wrights Crossing Road
  • Kings Highway Between Route 97 and Route 169
  • North Road between Cassidy Road and Route 97
  • Paine Road from Route 44 to #210 Paine Road
  • Rich Road between Route 97 and Drown Road
  • Swedetown Road
  • Tyott Road between Quasette Road & Angel Road
  • Wolf Den Drive - go as far as campground

Morning Drop Off Procedures

Between 8:00 and 8:25 all students will be dropped off at the cafeteria doors.  Students will be supervised in the cafeteria until they go to their homerooms at 8:20 AM. There will be 6 traffic cones along the sidewalk near that entrance to designate drop off spaces.   All students must exit their vehicles on the passenger side and all vehicles must exit the parking lot onto route 101.  If your student requires assistance with exiting your vehicle, please pull into one of the handicapped parking spaces so that you may safely exit your vehicle to provide assistance.

The cafeteria entrance will close at 8:25 am.  If you arrive at 8:25 or later, you must go to the main entrance to sign your student in as they must be in class no later than 8:30 to be considered on time.

Afternoon Pick-up

 If your child will be picked up from school, we require a signed and dated note.  Notes may be hand delivered or sent as an email attachment to pcsoffice@pomfretcommunityschool.org.  If you  plan to pick up your child(ren) every day, one note for the school year will suffice.

Dismissal begins at 3:10 PM.

Pick Up Procedures

At dismissal, students being picked up should exit through the main lobby and stand under the overhang. You will be dismissed alphabetically. Please do not talk while they are making the announcements.

Once outside, students must listen for their names to be announced as well as the cone number at which to stand. Their cars will drive to their assigned cone and students should remain at the cone until the car has stopped.

In the interest of everyone's SAFETY, your compliance with the following procedures is imperative:

  1. Stay off of cell phones and follow all staff directives.
  2. Parents must remain in the pick-up line in a vehicle. Do not park your vehicle and walk to get your child, this slows down the process and becomes a safety issue. (Unless the office does not have a note stating that you will be picking up your child. If you have not sent in a note in advance, please park and go into the foyer to sign your child out at the constable desk.
  3. Cars need to pull up to the designated spot indicated by the PCS staff to allow us to fill the maximum number of cars (6 at a time marked by cones).
  4. Children may not be picked up at the front door or in the PCS foyer and parents must stay in their cars while students are getting in.
  5. Children must enter the vehicle from the passenger side quickly and safely as possible. Children are not allowed to go around vehicles to enter.
  6. Be sure your child is buckled in before pulling away. This is a STATE LAW.
  7. Vehicles in the second line must wait until the first line moves up and exits.
  8. Use both parking lot exits to keep traffice flowing. If you are stopped at cones 1, 2 or 3 use the exit onto Route 101. If you are stopped at cones 4, 5, or 6, use the exit onto Route 169. Do not back up from your position to exit from the lot.
  9. Do not pass other cars unless directed to do so by a PCS staff member or constable.

Children are not allowed to re-enter the building for forgotten items on their own. If they need re-enter they will be required to wait for a parent/guardian or responsible adult to escort them back into the building after the pick-up line is empty. The parent/guardian will need to park in a parking space.

All students are encouraged to ride the school bus to and from school. Most buses are finished with their runs by 4:00. The last bus to leave the school typically finishes dropping off by 4:12.

Older students who have written permission from home to walk or bike home should check in with a staff member on pick up duty on their way out.

No student will be permitted to leave with an adult other than adults on their emergency list unless there is written permission to do so and it has been cleared through the main office.

Thank you for your cooperation with these procedures so that we may ensure the safety of all.

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