Pomfret Community School
Pomfret Community School, 20 Pomfret St Pomfret Center, CT 06259 USA

20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, CT 06259 P: (860) 928-2718 F:(860) 928-3839

Summer Math Challenge

The effects of summer reading loss have been well documented, but did you know that summer math loss is an even bigger problem?

Summer math loss is more pronounced than summer reading loss. While reading loss seems associated with household income, students lose math ability during summer break regardless of income levels. On average, all students, regardless of socio-economic status, lose approximately 2.6 months of grade level equivalency in mathematical computation over the summer months each year.* Because math practice is less intuitive and more technical than reading practice, parents are more likely to read with their children than practice math skills. However, there are many ways to practice and build mathematical thinking in our everyday activities. Find small ways to practice and talk about math as you are cooking, shopping, tackling building projects, planning trips, figuring out how much paint to buy... Play lots of board games and other games that involve cards and dice.

PCS encourages parents to help children have fun with math during the summer. We hope each child will spend at least 30 minutes a week in some engaging activity that incorporates math, logic, or some other problems solving skill whether it be through every day activities mentioned above, through online or board/card games or your own games.

Games that Involve Math, Logic and Problem Solving Skills

Here are some fun ways to keep your math mind active during the summer, as well as all year long!

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