20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, CT 06259 P: (860) 928-2718 F:(860) 928-3839
Mrs. McKee's 4th grade class investigated the research question: How do animal structures support survival, growth, and reproduction? In order to support student understanding, the class dissected a preserved squid in teams of two. As students dissected they discussed, the beak, tentacles, arms, suckers, ink sack, gills, esophagus, stomach, eyes, egg sack, funnel and pen and how each structure supported this cephalopod's survival. These specimens were purchased through the Enel Solar Farm Grant. These future scientists approached the task with curiosity and excitement. During the follow up discussion, they rated it 5 stars!
Pomfret Community School
20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, CT 06259
Phone: (860) 928-2718
Fax: (860) 928-3839
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.