20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, CT 06259 P: (860) 928-2718 F:(860) 928-3839
We are so proud of our PeaceJam leaders! We have heard that our donation boxes are filling up. This is amazing news for our friends at Access Agency and their current and future residents during the cold months.
We are going to extend our drive to Tuesday November 23rd to have the opportunity for one final push of donations before the Thanksgiving Break. Please remind family, friends, colleagues, and community partners that even if their own young people don't attend PCS they can still make donations through our social media accounts, by emailing PCSPEACEJAM@gmail.com , or contacting Lisa Marie Rivera at 860.753.6015.
Thank you for all of your ongoing support in helping our youth understand the power of their voice and actions in making change in their world!
Also, Congratulations for PeaceJam once again spreading the word of peace and change within the community. You were once again featured in the Villager. We should all be so proud of our PCS Community!
Pomfret Community School
20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, CT 06259
Phone: (860) 928-2718
Fax: (860) 928-3839
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.